The Internet is a fascinating place.

You can find almost anything there. And in so many formats – posts, to photos, audio, and videos.

Here are some videos we found that we think readers of this blog may appreciate, enjoy and relate to.

Go on. Grab some popcorn, (and, a choctop if you must). Find a comfy spot to sit. Then have a look at these insightful and entertaining videos that poke a little fun at the work life of those of us whose work in the retail sector.

Sometimes it’s the best of jobs. Sometimes it’s not. But, at the end of the day we think it’s a worthy calling and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Those of us at Univex hope that these few videos help you to see the lighter side of living the retail dream!

And, a special note to customers – while these videos may poke a little fun at you, we all know that you are important to our business. You are the reason we have jobs and we really do appreciate it when you choose to shop in our stores.

And, in case, you think we’re picking on you, just remember that even us retail workers are customers too!

7 Worst Customers

Working in Retail (Animated)

Customers Every Retail Worker Knows

Do you have any favourite retail-related YouTube videos you’d like to share?

Please mention them in the comments if you do.

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