At Univex we update our software with innovative enhancements regularly through programming sprints, which are a component of Agile Software Development.
A sprint is a 2 week period in which we plan, develop, test, and release a fully functional updated version of our software. The release is inclusive of customer requested programming.
A sprint is exactly what the name suggests: a focused movement towards one direction over a short distance. It includes short projects or larger projects that have been broken down into smaller sections.
Sprints operate like clockwork. Every two weeks a software upgrade is being released. This means feature requests are delivered faster, and bug fixes get squashed quicker. It also means you can give us feedback quicker to let us know if we are on the right track.
You might have noticed we are upgrading your software more frequently. That’s a direct result of running sprints and sticking to the schedule.
On a Tuesday mornings we plan out the next sprint’s workload. We take care not to over-commit and under-deliver, but still push ourselves to perform at peak level. Again, just like the name sprint suggests!
We aim to split each sprint’s workload total in to 3rds:
- 1/3rd innovation: new features or services that any Univex customer can use
Benefit: You can take advantage of features and services to help manage your business, even if you didn’t think of the idea earlier or request it - 1/3rd custom requests: have a special feature that you want programmed in? This is where we put it in our planning.
Benefit: accelerates growth in your business by custom-tailoring the Univex program to your requirements - 1/3rd bug fixing, maintenance, and speed-ups
Benefit: to make sure things are running smoothly and we never let you down
Balancing requests this way ensures all of you have a constantly improving software, all the time.
Two weeks after the Tuesday planning session, we wrap everything up, test our software, prepare it for you, and review our team’s performance.
In the review we look back on the sprint and discuss what went well and what we can improve on for the next fortnight. We are constantly learning and improving, which means in the long run you get better service through a more engaged IT provider.
So, how are we going?
We are about to reach one year of running sprints and developing software in this new model. We are happy with our progress despite the occasional trip or stumble, and that’s what is great about sprints. Problems are detected and rectified earlier. This philosophy is best summed up in the quote
Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ‘Til your good is better and your better is best
If you have any feedback please let us know and this will be passed on to the team.