Retail Marketing Success with Technology

All marketing activities should start with a brand model, marketing plan and marketing budget. These are all critical factors in achieving retail marketing success. To gauge success you need to track marketing results. This is where retailing software and technology can help. Key Ingredients A brand model is a guide for marketers to use. It [...]

WTF? What’s The Future …of Australian Retail?

Here on the Univex blog, we often look at the retail industry and share our own thoughts, ideas, and experiences of Australia’s retail landscape with you. Why? Because this industry is important to us, as we’re sure it is to you. We are keen to be involved in shaping its [...]

Is Choosing POS Software Making Your Head Spin?

Choosing the right POS system for your retail business can be overwhelming and, let’s face it, somewhat intimidating. If you’ve ever thought about investing in POS software for your retail business, you’ve probably been grappling with questions like: Where do I start? Who’s the best supplier, and what makes them different/better? What is [...]

Lights, Camera, Action!

The Internet is a fascinating place. You can find almost anything there. And in so many formats – posts, to photos, audio, and videos. Here are some videos we found that we think readers of this blog may appreciate, enjoy and relate to. Go on. Grab some popcorn, (and, a choctop if you must). [...]

My Impressions of Retail Week 2018

#InsideRetailLive #FestivalofRetailIdeas Retail Week #RWL2018 recently wrapped up its festival of all things retail. I was there to check things out. Whilst Retail Week had a number of activities on around Melbourne - summits, training, and other events, they were more appropriate for big business and industry leaders. You, know, the Big thinking type folk from [...]

Tips for Hiring Top Retail Talent – Stage 2 –A Guide to Interviewing and Assessing Candidates

In the previous post we shared tips for Hiring Top Retail Talent – Stage 1 – Talent Recruitment.  But, we all know, that finding candidates isn’t enough, when then need to interview them and assess their fit with the role and our business. So, when it comes to candidate assessment and interviewing, how can [...]

6 Tips for Hiring Top Retail Talent – Stage 1 – Talent Recruitment

We all want Superstars working on our team. But star-spotting isn’t necessarily a skill we come by easily. So, how can we give ourselves the best chance at hiring the best retail associates for our stores and our business? Here are some tips for doing exactly that! You may or may not have gone [...]

What Customers Dislike Most About Shopping?

Is it long lines at the check out? Or, maybe it’s being ignored when they walk through the door.  Or, do you think that it’s rude staff that customer’s dislike the most? Here’s the quick answer.  Customers dislike ANYTHING that detracts from a pleasant shopping experience. They can turn from happy customer into furious [...]

12 Reasons Your Next Retail Location Choice Should be Online

Faster and more affordable technology, mobile phones in almost every shopper’s hands, increased online research and “showrooming” retail buyer behaviours, the appearance of e-commerce giants like Amazon, the increased cost of real estate, a faster and more efficient supply chain, and the rise of easy to use yet powerful ecommerce software are all [...]

Love Is In The Air – How Can You Best Maximise Valentine’s Day Sales Potential?

From a last year’s article on, some of the stats surrounding Valentine’s Day expenditures may make your heart skip a beat! How much can mass-produced romanticism muster? $253 million! Australian couples are willing to fork out a significant amount of cash to properly celebrate the commercially cultural, cute and sometimes corny Valentine's [...]